It does not matter if what you want is to look like a tablet or improve its strength and functionality. The difference between training to have a strong and functional abdomen lies mainly in your diet.
1) Let's Know Our Abdomen First:-
When we refer to the abdomen we usually think only of the six-pack, the 6 squares of the Danone body. But that is just the rectus abdominis.
Our abdomen comprises a much larger musculature that includes the rectus abdominis, the obliques (internal and external), and the transverse abdomen.
It is also closely related to other muscles such as serratus (greater or anterior) and lumbar and gluteal musculature .
All this musculature works together for 99.9% of your daily actions and 100% of your movements during excersise.
This musculature is tonic and its main function is posture. That is, it helps us to stand upright with our backs up and protecting the spine, viscera, and organs from inadequate movements and blows.
You can have a very strong and very functional abdomen without the "squares" being seen and vice versa.
That is, you can also have your 6 squares and not be able to perform exercises due to lack of abdominal strength or postural control, derived from the lack of functionality of the rest of your abdomen.
2)How to do sit-ups correctly:-
Sports science has shown that abdominal crunch brings more problems than benefits . You are not going to have a stronger abdomen for doing more repetitions and your back will thank you for stopping doing that.
It is simpler than it seems, go to the plates .
Isometric exercises for the abdomen have proven to be not only safer when it comes to avoiding injuries, but they also allow us a greater activation of all the muscles that we talked about before. And not only of "the squares".
On the other hand, if you are looking for a job with transfer to a sport, it is true that these exercises do not have a brutal transfer to a sports discipline either, but at least they are healthier and you get more activation, which is already a step.
We have already seen that the key is in the isometrics, but we are going to see which are the best exercises. Whether you are a man or a woman, these are the exercises that interest you if you want to have a strong abdomen.
3) Front and side iron:-
They are good to start, but the moment you get to be 60 '' in each position it is time to complicate your life a little.
a)Dynamic iron:-
Try the previous positions but with a little movement. Here you have as many options as imagination. I'm going to leave you one that will be good for you to start increasing your level.
b)Rotationsnd anti-rotations:-
Forget doing the typical exercise "bike" or "criss-cross" trying to bring the elbow to the knee to work your obliques. Work them together with the rest of your core with these two simple exercises.
c) Press-pallof
Anti-rotation work consists of keeping your middle zone activated and at the same time overcoming a lateral resistance that tries to take you towards rotation.
The pulley or resistance (it can be a rubber) leads us to rotation, so you activate the internal oblique and the external oblique on the other side. And, when you return to the starting position, you activate the other opposing obliques. This is a very good job to improve our middle zone and work the obliques efficiently and safely.
4 )Keys to get a flat stomach
You have already seen some myths about abdominal exercises for women and we have seen how to work them more and better. Now we have to see how to show a flat or marked belly.
=> For This you first have follow these 4 keys:
# Having the abdominal area or "six-pack" more or less visible will depend on a low-fat percentage. No more no less.
There are no magic exercises. If you have little abdominal fat, they will show more, and that is a matter of eating 99% and your training 1%.
We have all seen someone who shows off the squares without having trained because he has a fat index more typical of a malnourished state.
# Performing crunch or other crunches continuously will not reduce fat in that area.
Just as leg training does not thin the legs.
Train your whole body, eat well and when you lose fat, the results will be seen.
But doing a thousand crunches will not help if you do not have a caloric deficit that makes you lose fat.These are the most effective abdominal exercises according to science.
# The appearance or shape of your abdominal complex will be related to the histological genetics of each one and its tissue.
Different types of abdominals will not give your abdominal area a certain appearance. Your "little squares" are what they are regardless of how you train them. Only the size of them will vary. The rest is genetics and food.
# Almost 100% of the aesthetic abs we see on covers or photos are not real.
The abs we see in the magazines are achieved with a combination of chemistry, Photoshop, and a very difficult and sacrificial lifestyle to follow for those who do not dedicate ourselves to that. Always keep it in mind.
If you want to work your abdomen correctly keep these four points in mind and start the exercises that we have seen before as follows:
- Train them 2-4 times a week
- Do 3 to 6 sets of between 30 and 60 '' each, depending on your level.
Keys to lose weight without starving
A few tips:
- Train at least once a day.
- The strength exercise is your best ally. Move weight.
- Putting cardio on your strength rest days or after training it is a good way to make caloric deficit easier to achieve.
- Stay away from pastries and ultra-processed. Fruit and vegetables are your allies.
- Stay well hydrated.
- Rest well. Sleep well. Find out if you're overtraining.
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